Details of Pimpare’ s Restoration work

Details of Pimpare’ s Restoration work

Mr. Pimpare also drew assistance from every small work on every scholar and artist and managed to get a few paintings done in 1906 by Lady Herringham, the wife of London Physician.

In the initial stage he spent hours, days and years in an effort to copy the original paintings, but this provide insufficient due to severe defacement of the painting Mr. Pimpare has undertaken an entirely new approach of preservation and conservation as well as restoration of paintings with the help of most modern scientific technique. He put together text descriptions of the painting, copies and photographs of all the earlier scholars, historian and artist and took up the impossible task of recreating and refashioning them comparable to original. Pimpare use epidiascope (a device that display both transparent slides and opaque objects) to discern minute details in the painting. He has to date succeeded in reconstructing 350 paintings that include blow by blow details like facial expressions, costumes, ornaments, architecture, flora and fauna etc.

Mr. Pimpare’ s house is a kaleidoscope of colours with paintings of princes, queens, slaves, maids-in-attendance, snake charmers, soldiers and other murals of Ajanta depicted with amazing accuracy and liveliness adoring the walls. The Ajanta frescos have immortalized the gospel and legend of Lord Buddha. The anonymous painters who were masters of art have adorned the walls of chaityas (prayer halls) and Viharas (monasteries) with incidences and events from the life of Lord Buddha, Jataka and Avadnastories, scenes from Buddhist plays and mythology. These details depicted in the cave which now has more or less become blurred and invisible have now come alive in the painting of Mr. Pimpare.

Its honor that he individually has succeeded his dream & we are lucky to live in the old 2nd century Ajanta era through his selfless individual research work.